Jasmine -   
Quyết định niềng răng vì chị Kiều tư vấn khéo léo , chuyên nghiệp dễ thương. Tưởng Thời gian ngắn. Nhưng thời gian kéo dài hơn dự định.
Cho một sao vì một số bạn lễ Tân thái độ ngày càng tệ. Không quan tâm khách hàng.
Không khuyết khích làm ở đây, vì làm lâu dài không ổn chút nào. Chất lượng đi xuống

Toan Van   
Chi phí nhổ răng hơn các nơi khác

Sơn Nguyễn   
bên mình có sử lý cao răng không

Nguyễn Cris   
Nếu bạn có ý định làm răng ở Phú Quốc thì đây chắc chắn một trong những nơi tốt nhất. Nhân viên thân thiện, phòng khám sạch sẽ.

Phuong Anh Pham   
Lần đầu tiên gđ mình tới phòng khám. NV rất nhiệt tình, bé nhà mình nhổ 2 răng sữa có tiêm tê, ba của bé được chụp film và ktra răng, đều được miễn phí cho trường hợp nhổ răng sữa và khám. Mình rất bất ngờ về sự chăm sóc này.

Công Lập Bùi   
Bọn lừa bịp !!!!

Hải An Nguyễn   
Thấy đánh giá khá tốt nên ghé qua khi đi du lịch vì bé con bị viêm nướu đau răng. Bác sỹ và y tá rất tận tình chăm sóc và tư vấn để con có thể bớt đau ăn uống bình thường.
Tính đâu cũng bình thường mà tốt ko tưởng. Lúc ra về trời đổ mưa, chị quản lý còn mang dù ra che mưa cho 2 mẹ con vào xe ❤️❤️❤️
Biết ơn đội ngũ bác sỹ, y tá và chị quản lý nhiệt tình 😊

Neo An   
Sạch sẽ, khang trang, nhân viên tận tình chu đáo. Nhổ răng sâu xong, hết thuốc tê ko thấy đau lắm. Chỉ là hơi bất ngờ vì nhổ quá nhanh. Tưởng 20p mà có 2p là đã xong.

Bác sĩ giỏi lắm nha

Vị Huỳnh   
Nhân viên tư vấn nhiệt tình. Chất lượng tốt

Binh Vương   
Nha khoa uy tín rất tối

Van Long Cao   
Phòng khám rất tốt

Rất tốt

밥먹다가 갑자기 치통이생겨 급하게 이곳을 찾아서 근관치료?만 받았습니다(신경치료같네요) 충수염이있다했고 전 약만받고 버티려했지만 의사의 조언을따라 1차적인 시술만받고 크라운등은 한국가서 씌우려합니다.
휴가중 너무아팠는데 도와줘서 고마워요~!
(토욜 저녁 7시쯤갔고 마치니 8시20분정도...8시 마감이지만 책임감있게 다치료해주셨어요^^) 휴가중 치통 문제시 추천드려요~! 근관치료는200만동이었어요.

Marion Walter   
Auf Empfehlung bin ich zu dieser Klinik. Ich habe mir meine Zähne überkronen lassen. Habe mich von Anfang an wohlgefühlt. Super Personal, alles professionell und problemlos abgelaufen. Bin mega zufrieden. Vielen Dank an euch alle

Junhyeon Lee   
놀러왔다가 갑자기 치통이 생겨서 잠도 못자고 한국 돌아가야되나 걱정했는데 여기서 진료받고 살았습니다.
친절하게 상황 들어주시고,
xray 찍어본 결과 염증 생겨서 신경치료 다시해야되는 상황이었습니다.
영어랑 번역기 돌려가며 한국 돌아가서 치료받는게 더 좋은 상황이고 푸꾸옥에서 머물동안 먹을 약까지 처방 해주셨어요. 진료비도 따로 안받구요.
지금은 처방해주신 약먹고 괜찮아져서 열심히 다시 투어중입니다. 친절과 배려 진심으로 감사드려요.

Anne Lauer   
Thank you so much, for beeing so nice and professional. I can really recommend, they gave me a new smile and life quality. Best team and dentist I ever got.😘😘

Viet Dinh   
From my experience in Phu Quoc, the service (glass teeth) was excellent. I am very satisfied with the whole staff that was very professional and gentle. The prices are acceptable, the environment was friendly and comfortable. I definitely recommend the place, it would also be nice to combine it with a vacation in beautiful island of Phu Quoc, Vietnam.
Robert from CZ

Jorge Mejia   
Amazing service. They examined my tooth and were very honest and friendly.
Good x ray machine. Work on Sunday.

스케일링 잘함

Паша Одоевский   

Полина Свобода   
Отвратительно. Я приходила на чистку и полировку зубов, а так же было нужно установить обратно лигатуры и резинки на брекеты после этих процедур.
Чистку зубов сделали еще нормально, хотя деликатного подхода не было. Стоматолог ультразвуком, как маляр по забору работал небрежно. Но это было бы приемлемо. Но он не стал делать мне полировку, надел лигатуры брекетов обратно. И только после моего вопроса, где полировка, он снова достал инструменты, провел ПОВЕРХ одетой конструкции 1 раз порошком, НЕ уделяя внимания ни одному зубу вообще. И сказал, что все готово.
Денег с меня взяли за обе услуги комплексно. Я осталась с наполовину оказанной услугой.
Стыд и позор стоматологу, владельцу клиники и администраторам , которые меня не проинформировали сразу, что услуга БУДЕТ ОКАЗАНА ПЛОХО. Я глубоко сожалею о потраченных деньгах, времени и нервах после.
О том, что чистки «air flow» не будет - мне тоже не сказали сразу, но ладно. Пусть ее не делают в клинике. Но то, что обещают сделать - нужно делать хорошо.

Paul Tate   
Excellent dentist, very professional. I needed 3 old crowns replaced. The first Dentist I went to replaced one (not a good job and very unprofessional), he said the other two needed to be extracted. No thank you mate.
Anyway I saw all the good reviews for this dental clinic and they saved both my other teeth and made ten times better crowns. Don't waste your time looking for some cheap back street dentist.
Highly recommend, friendly and professional 👌👍👍👍

Came here with a lot of pain coming from my wisdom tooth. They checked it out for me, made an Xray and communicated very well via Google Translate. They prescribed medicine for me to pick up at the pharmacy. And all of that for free.

Peace & Love   
Got my wisdom teeth pulled and a cleaning here. Service was great and the price was very good. Going back for whitening soon too

S T   
Very good and professional staff all around, clean and modern, helped us tourist well. Use google translate due to language barrier. High recommend.

Pete Rch   
Came in today to fix a filling for my dad . Great and quick service. Thanks 🙏

Jens V.   
Made appointment via messenger, quick respons.
Got the best and most thorough tooth cleaning (ultrasound) I've had for years.
Highly recommendable.

Oksana Kalegova   
У нашего сына (8 лет) немного расшатался молочный зуб, но сам не выпадал. Больно было есть. Поехали в эту стоматологию. Прямо в кресле сыну сделали снимок зубов и врач сказал, что нужно удалять и с другой стороны ещё один зуб, потому что там тоже новый зуб лезет. Удалили 2 зуба. Очень быстро. Без боли. Обезболили мазью перед удалением. Очень благодарна за такое качество работы. Оказалось, что молочные зубы удаляют бесплатно. Планирую и сама приехать на приём, чтобы врач посмотрел мой зуб.

Y Y   
I think this is a great clinic, the price is a bit higher than some other clinics but it's still cheap compared to my own country. The dentist and his coworkers were professional, kind and gentle, and the treatment itself didn't hurt. I did a root canal treatment of a molar. It was 1.8 million vnd, and it looks very well made. Thank you! ❤️

Managed to get a next morning appointment to sort out my toothache. Had to have a wisdom tooth removed. Totally painless and very quick.
Excellent service, friendly staff.
Wish I could speak vietnamese! But they were very patient with using google translate to explain things to me.
For other tourists that may not have a Vietnam phone number, I had trouble getting in touch over email and zalo - but managed to get through on the google chat option.

Familie Horst   
Sehr netter und kompetenter Zahnarzt. Ich hatte während meines Aufenthaltes in Phu Quoc Zahnschmerzen und mir wurde sehr gut geholfen. Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr bemüht und sprechen teilweise Englisch.

Gloria de Meester   
J’y suis allée car j’avais mal à une dent. Ils m’ont fait une consultation gratuite en m’expliquant ce qu’il fallait que je fasse en rentrant chez moi. La dame était très gentille, je conseille !

Daniel Heinrich   
I needed a appoinment cause my gum was swollen, IT was sunday but they still managed to give me a appoinment that day, they checked my gum, did xray, found some food stuck in my gum, removed IT and everything good again. And they Didnt even wanted Money For the service. Great place!

Michal Rokosz   
Great service! Thanks 😀😀😀

Minh Việt Nguyễn   

Shirley Kok   
Thanks for the dentist at Nha Khoo Klava
Great service

Julia Semenova   
Прекрасная клиника на Фукуоке! Чисто, красиво, современно и комфортно. Залечила 5 зубов, пришла без записи, сразу приняли. Врач был профессиональный и компетентный. Очень очень позитивный опыт. Недорого. Рекомендую.

tanya savina   
I highly do not recommend this clinic. I came for cleaning and polishing my teeth, at the reception the girl played in misunderstanding for a long time. When I showed her the procedure in the price list, she said we don't have it for you! When I came out, she mimicked me for a long time, and they laughed out loud. Horror! Nightmare!

hyojin Kang   
여행중 고정유지장치가 떨어져 방문했습니다.
친절하게 응대해주셨고 잘 붙여주셨습니다.
한개가 떨어졌으며 500,000 지불했습니다.

Had a sore swollen gum,,, the lady in reception was very nice and spoke English. I was seen straight away and examined.They took x-rays and eventually found food stuck between gum and tooth and removed it. When I went to pay they said no charge which was amazing. Excellent, thanks 👍

Miroslav M   
Отличная клиника , был на чистке зубов ультразвуком . Все понравилось , профессиональный врач и приветливый персонал. Рекомендую

Eng Siong Lee   
Went there for cleaning and polishing. Not bad and equipment are quite modern.

Andy Brian   
I needed to visit a dentist during my trip, to get an issue with toothache/pain in my tooth checked out. I was extremely apprehensive and worried before visiting.
They were very professional, the one lady spoke extremely good English and they were able to confirm the problem was nothing too serious and explained clearly what I needed to do to resolve it.
Many thanks again - your team made my day! 🙏🏼

Karel Karel   
Thank you for the professional and very sensitive treatment of teeth and cleaning the root canals, which were almost painless. Excellent doctor, staff and everywhere clean. I highly recommend this clinic.

Nam Nguyễn Hoàng   
They delivered really customers experience!

DrDebra B   
Very good dental clinic. They fit me in very fast and helped my issue kindness and professionalism. Prices are reasonable.
Highly recommend if you are in need of a dentist in Phu Quoc.

Sehr gut und professionell


NguyenThiNhu Haiyen   

Minna Rautomäki   
Visited after reading lots of recommendations. The receptionist is a nice lady who speaks English. They did fix my teeth, but I was not very happy with their customer experience during the operation. Dentist's assistant giggled constantly, answered her phone during my operation and kept shoving the suction tool to my throat. At one time there were two additional people staring at my mouth, making laughs together with the dentist and his assistant. This was very annoying, I did not like it at all!

Ngan Nguyen   

They seem to have a good service at fist
but they didn’t catch a big problem of my tooth
even if I noticed them I had a toothache
so I will never come here again

Удобное месторасположение, быстрый сервис. Милая девушка на ресепшн хорошо говорит по английски. Подшлифовали коронку на зубе бесплатно. Спасибо.

Mike Frolov   
Very good dental! Doctor is professional!

Nhung Truong Cam   
So good!!!!

Diệp Nguyễn thị   
Verry good