Nha khoa Ân Tâm Phú Quốc

Prices Reviews Dentists



  • (32)
  • more than year ago
My daughter had an accident with a crown that fell off her front tooth. I called them and the woman who answered my call spoke great English. They had me come in as walk in and they were able to look at it and even consult with no cost as she was a little 3 year old. If we would have stayed here longer they would have been able to make a new crown in time but since we were leaving the next day we weren’t able to get the care. We would have if we stayed longer! They had great service, good with little kids, even let me lay on the chair with my daughter. I would come here again. Recommend for families with kids. 👌🏼
  • more than year ago
its really quick service for kids best place thank you
  • more than year ago
I had to visit this clinic after an accident and the overall experience was very bad. They were pushy about selling further treatments when we only had an emergency to treat and wanted to seek further dental treatment in the mainland. After declining these (purely aesthetic) treatments they started acting rude, specially the dentist who refused to speak during the whole treatment, he made the patient feel very uncomfortable. I suggest to avoid it and seek proper treatment in HCMC or Hanoi.
  • 3 months ago
Не советую. Ходил вырвать мудрый зуб. Во первых зарядили цену мол это мудрый зуб аж на 2,5 млн. Самое интересное не смогли вырвать в течении двух часов
  • 3 months ago
Удалили ещё на родине зуб, наложили швы и мы уехали отдыхать, по приезду во Вьетнам начала беспокоить лунка удалённого зуба. Вбили ближайшую стоматологию в поисковике, обратились в эту клинику и не разу не пожалели. Обслужили, полечили, дали лекарство, всё это обошлось в 500.000 донг, врач сказал прийти через 2 дня. Пришли швы удалили абсолютно бесплатно, денег не взяли, персонал супер, вежливые, внимательные, терпеливые. Общались с ними через переводчика в телефоне. Спасибо вам огромное за всё!
  • 3 months ago
Cám ơn nha khoa nhổ răng miễn phí cho con tôi, sẽ ủng hộ nha khoa dài dài để chăm sóc răng cho giá đình tôi
  • 4 months ago
Приехали с мужем отдыхать на Фукуок. И решили полечить зубы. Обратились в эту клинику. Честно? Это было лучшим нашим решением🙏🏼 цена и качество, просто на высшем уровне! Так бережно, быстро, качественно, пишу отзыв искренне советую эту клинику! Мне сделали 9 пломб, чистку. За час и безболезненно. Отдали ну просто копейки. Благодарю врача и персонал!

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